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árodná hymna Peru je na uvedenom videu so zvukom v sprievode niekoľkých fotografií. V prípade, že hľadáte text k nej, jeho španielsku, ale následne aj anglickú verziu nájdete nižšie.

Hymna Peru - video

Španielsky text hymny


Somos libres, seámoslo siempre, seámoslo siempre

Y antes niegues sus luces sus luces el sol,

Que faltemos al voto solemne

Que la patria al Eterno elevó.

(repeat previous two lines)

Que la patria al Eterno elevó.

(opakuje sa)

Largo tiempo, el peruano oprimido

la ominosa cadena arrastró;

condenado a cruel servidumbre

largo tiempo, largo tiempo, largo tiempo en silecio gimió.

Mas apenas el grito sagrado

Libertad! en sus costas se oyó,

la indolencia de esclavo sacude,

la humillada, la humillada, la humillada cerviz levantó.

la humillada, cerviz levantó, cerviz levantó.


Anglický preklad textu


We are free; let us always be so, let us always be so

Let the sun rather deny its deny its light

Than that we should fail the solemn vow

Which our country raised to God

(repeat previous two lines)

Which our country raised to God.

(opakuje sa)

For a long time the Peruvian, oppressed,

Dragged the ominous chain;

Condemned to cruel serfdom,

For a long time, for a long time, for a long time he moaned in silence.

But as soon as the sacred cry of

Freedom! was heard on his coasts,

He shook off the indolence of the slave,

He raised his humiliated, his humiliated, his humiliated head.

He raised, he raised his humiliated head.



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